Senator David Brock-Smith

Why I’m Challenging A Republican Senator

Challenging a Republican in the primary is not a decision I take lightly. I would much rather to see our valuable resources spent on defeating Progressives. But here’s the thing: David Brock-Smith promised that he’s looking out for what matters to us the most. But, in reality, he’s writing and passing laws that threaten the very existence of our rural way of life. He voted to give hundreds of millions of our tax dollars to progressive organizations that advance progressive causes. He wrote laws to advance the WEF’s Green New Deal in Southern Oregon. He voted to skyrocket our property insurance costs, pricing many of us out of our own mortgages. And, he’s both written and voted to pass laws that prevent us from making a living in commercial fishing and forestry.

But why would he tell us one thing and turn around, behind our backs and do another? Why would he work to undermine our effort to preserve our natural and affordable energy sources? Why would he turn control of the Elliott State Forest over to the Progressives who’ve essentially banned responsible forest management? Well, many of us (myself included) wanted answers to these questions. So, we took a closer look at Brock-Smith. And this is what we found out.

The Truth About Brock-Smith

He is Corrupted by China.

Senator Brock-Smith is a member of the Oregon China Counsel and Chairman of the Southern Oregon China Connection, which both claim to seek positive economic relations with China. Is this what you want, considering that China is the world’s largest producer of lithium batteries, windmills and solar panels? Is this what you want, considering China works directly with the WEF to strongarm countries, like the United States, to ban cheap fossil fuels that strengthen our economy in exchange for their massively subsidized “Green New Deal” technology that operates at 25% efficiency and destroys our natural habitats? It doesn’t seem like Oregon is winning on this deal. And, not only that, southern Oregonians are being forced to make the sacrifice in order to line the pockets of his Chinese friends.

His Biggest Donor is a California Registered Democrat.

David Brock-Smith’s single largest donor, going all the way back to his days as a Douglas County Commissioner, is a California business man named Thomas Tuttle. Tuttle owned an international brokerage company, called Newport Asia, where he managed Chinese investment funds. His biggest customer was the largest movie theater and hotel chain in China, owned by the Chinese Communist Party. Tuttle’s wife and son are outspoken, progressive and public climate crisis activists. Tuttle is registered to vote in California as a Democrat and registered in Oregon as an Independent. He’s been voting in both states (illegally) since 2012. He has donated more than $150k to Brock-Smith’s campaign PAC and Brock-Smith has shared that money with other Republican leadership in the legislature.

He Votes With Progressives More Than a Third of the Time.

David Brock-Smith represents a mostly rural district with the vast majority of conservative voters. So why did he vote more than a third of the time with Progressive Democrats in Salem? According to the CPAC Center for Legislative Accountability, his legislative category rating is only 66.9%. I can understand metro area Republican with numbers like that, but we need our rural Republicans to vote better in Salem.

Chief Sponsor of the BOEM Wind Turbine Bill HB3375.

Brock-Smith has repeatedly and publically insisted that this bill was written to stop the BOEM from installing a wind power industrial complex off the pristine coast of Coos County. But it was, in fact, the bill that paved the way to its consummation. I believe this bill creates a roadmap and even empowers a task force to “plan and develop three gigawatts of commercial scale floating offshore wind energy projects off the Oregon coast by 2030. This bill is in direct opposition to the Republican Energy Platform which states: “We oppose the use of exaggerated or fabricated climate emergency claims to justify or compel changes to energy sources, infrastructure, or use of energy that negatively impact Oregon’s economy and citizens.” I hope you understand what “Agenda 2030” is. If not, you need to look it up.

Brock-Smith Voted for Tampons in Elementary School Bathrooms.

David Brock-Smith voted to pass HB3294 to require all schools in Oregon to provide menstrual products (tampons) in gender-neutral, male and female restrooms. The bill made this available to more than 552,000 k-12 students, 85,000 community college students and 96,000 public university students statewide. This bill cost taxpayers millions of dollars in perpetuity but, worse yet, is the most dangerous form of indoctrination of all: creating the false reality in our public schools that there are more than two genders and that anyone can choose to change their gender. This bill violates the First Amendment Rights of all Oregon students because, under the First Amendment, every American has the right NOT to be indoctrinated.

Bock-Smith Voted to Skyrocket Our Insurance Costs

State Senator Dennis Linthicum summed up SB762 as “you will own nothing and be happy.” SB762 was sold to us as a bill to prevent disastrous fires, like the Paradise, CA fire of 2018 by regulating power companies that neglect power infrastructure. Instead, the 22 page bill focused 19 pages on privately owned rural and suburban lands referred to as the “wildland-urban” interface. The bill required the ODF to develop a statewide map declaring wildfire risk levels. It is unknown how a risk level was determined, but nonetheless used to designate building codes, zoning and defensible space codes for existing properties, forcing people to meet all new requirements and triggering a massive increase of insurance premiums to the majority of rural Oregon property owners who were now living in “danger” zones. The bill also allocated $220 million dollars to nine different agencies who create, implement and enforce new codes, regulations and zoning restrictions. Brock-Smith voted for it.

Chief Sponsor of SB 1546, Which Put The Elliott State Forest Under Progressive Control.

He was the Chief Sponsor of the Bill which turned Elliott State Forest over to the Progressive Elliott State Research Forest Authority, a group of Progressive Climate Crisis Activists.

Voted to Expand the Homeless Industrial Complex

Brock-Smith voted to pass HB 2001 sponsored by more than 20 Progressive Portland Area State Reps. The bill is a massive expansion of the Homeless Industrial Complex. He also voted to give Tina Kotek more than $250m dollars to fund the homeless industrial expansion in which most of those funds go to Progressive run charities and back into Progressive political PACs.

Brock-Smith Tries to Circumvent Democratic Process.

After being appointed to the Senate by Douglas County Commissioners in 2023, he sponsored HB2244 to extend the term of Tim Freeman by an additional two years, without a vote. The legislature questioned its constitutionality and went nowhere. David Brock-Smith has not been elected as Senator, he was appointed. I think the People should know the truth about David Brock-Smith and be presented with an alternative so they can make the right decision with their vote.