The Issues

  • America First, to a politician, is about who you represent. My opponent actually wrote the bill to put windmills off the coast of Coos Bay, voted to price you out of your property with the wildfire mapping bill, voted to put tampons in elementary school boys bathrooms and voted to prevent counties from cleaning our voter rolls.

    My opponent, Sen. David Brock-Smith, is NOT America First. He’s Chinese Communist interests first. He’s “Green New Deal” first. He’s Gender Theory first and he’s first to disenfranchise his own voters.

    I am America First and an American first. I want YOU to own your property, hold dominion over your government, decide what is taught in your local public schools and I don’t want foreign countries to control our resources. I want in person voter ID and hand counted ballots. I want our kids protected from progressive gender ideology. I want to end sanctuary status in Oregon and defend our borders. I want to defend our local economy, diminish the power of the State and lower taxes for all Oregonians.

  • Oregon is in the top five highest taxed states in the nation. But, what do we get for it? A bunch of Portland nonsense.

  • coming soon

  • coming soon

  • coming soon

  • coming soon